Chi Omega is made up of women who share similar values, helping to foster friendships for a lifetime.
Chi Omega is made up of women who share similar values, helping to foster friendships for a lifetime.
Chi Omegas are women of integrity, who treat themselves and others with respect.
Our Sisters are committed to community service and philanthropy, and being part of something bigger than ourselves.
Chi Omega promotes scholarship and lifelong learning among our members. Further, we are proud that over half of our chapters are ranked #1 or #2 on their campus in scholarship.
Our Sisters are passionate about leadership and involvement on their campus and in their community.
Chi Omega has a worldwide network of over 411,000 initiated Sisters that members can utilize in career networking and personal development initiatives.
Some content on this site is for Chi Omega members only.
Please keep your contact information updated on everyday.chiomega.com so that we can inform you of events and chapter news!
How can we help you? Please explore the links below.